Dr. Ben Strutt

Senior Software Developer



Particle physicist turned software developer and devops engineer, dedicated to finding elegant solutions to technical challenges. I love creating software to improve people's lives! I have nine years of experience developing software for diverse applications, from resource poor embedded experimental systems, through high-traffic RESTful APIs, up to supercomputing clusters.


03/2019 - Present

Senior Software Developer at AireLogic

Embedded inside NHS Digital teams, building the Data Services and API Management Platforms, mostly the latter. Progressed to tech lead on the API Management's core infrastructure team. Gained managerial responsibilities as a Team Rep, managing other AireLogic developers inside NHS Digital.

  • Designed next-generation proxy auto-generation service for the API Managment Platform (Python/Apigee)
  • Created custom pytest extension to automate API platform OAuth2 flows for proxy developers (Python)
  • Created platform-wide pipelines for CI/CD (Azure Devops)
  • Pipeline optimization cutting infrastructure build times by a factor of 3 (Docker/AWS)
  • Created custom Ansible collections to interface with Apigee/AWS APIs (Ansible)
  • Created bespoke microservice applications to manage platform resources (Python/Docker)
  • Implemented platform-wide solutions for rate limiting APIs (Apigee)
11/2016 - 03/2019

Post-Doctoral Research Scholar at University of California, Los Angeles

Experimental particle physics research, hunting ultra-high energy neutrinos in the ice sheets of Antarctica.

  • Wrote signal processing and event reconstruction algorithms to categorize experimental data (C++/ROOT)
  • Created and optimized real-time event prioritization algorithms mixing CPU and General Purpose GPU programming (C/OpenCL)
  • Used machine learning algorithms to optimize analysis to find rare neutrino events (C++/ROOT)
  • Lead author on research papers published in academic journals (Phy Rev D.)
  • Maintainer of software libraries for physics collaboration (Git/Github)


University College London

09/2012 - 10/2016

PhD Particle Physics

University of Manchester

09/2011 - 08/2012

MSc Particle Physics

University of Nottingham

09/2007 - 06/2010

BSc (1st Class Honours) Physics with Theoretical Physics


High Energy Physics Prize

Department of Physics and Astronomy, UCL

Outstanding postgraduate physics research in HEP

Certificate of Outstanding Service

NHS Digital

For perseverance and professionalism in supporting the Platform team to rapidly respond to the COVID-19 pandemic


Constraints on the diffuse high-energy neutrino flux from the third flight of ANITA

Physical Review D

Lead author