LCA Arjay Preliminary
Each Wednesday I play some club chess. It's not always a league game like my first post was. This time I'm playing in a individual tournament, the Arjay preliminary. I had the black pieces and my opponent was rated 98 vs. my (estimated) 116 so before the game I hoping for winning chances. Let's see what happened.
I had the black pieces.
My opponent opened 1. e4
and responded 1...e6
The French Defence.
What's the idea with the French?
Well, after White plays 2. d5
to try and establish the "ideal" centre we challenge it with 2...d5
Black threatens to take on e4
which requires some action for white.
White has three or four main choices to address the threat.
- Move out of the way, advance the e-pawn with
3 .e5
(Advance variation) - Take the d-pawn with
3. exd5
(Exchange variation) - Defend the e-pawn
- with
3. Nc3
(Classical variation) - with
3. Nd2
(Terrasch variation)
- with
So why am I playing the French at the moment?
Well, I'm working through an online book on the French Defence1.
There are large sections devoted to each of White's choices.
The only one I've not touched is the Terrasch, 3. Nd2
And what did my opponent happen to play?
The one from the chapter I haven't got to yet!
So because of this I had a several minute long think.
These are long games 80+10
, but if you spend longer than 5 minutes on opening moves, it's amazing how fast that clock runs down.
I thought there were two candidate moves, 3...Nf6
or 3...c5
(and looking through the Master level database, on lichess those are the right ones).
I went with 3...Nf3
since in the French the plan is to draw white into playing e5
at some point.
As Black, you try to undermine e5
by attacking d4
So we had a few normal looking moves in the position.
4. e5 Nd7
5. Nc3 c5
I thought this was okay for Black.
By playing 5...c5
Black is executing the typical French plan of attacking d4
I actually thought White's knights were slightly misplaced.
The knight on d2
blocks his dark square bishop in on c1
And his knight on f3
prevents him from supporting his pawn on e5
with f4
Some more normal moves followed.
6. c3 Bd7
, moving my dark square Bishop in preparation for castling.
After White played 7. Bd3
I embarked on a plan suggested by the aforementioned book for the advance variation.
In a position very similar (if not identical) to this.
The plan is to play b3
and put the light square bishop on a3
If White castles then his light square bishop is pinned to the rook on f1
This naturally leads to a trade of the light square bishops 2.
This happened in the game.
, 8. O-O Ba6
, 9. Bxa6 Nxa6
Middle game
After the knight recaptured we had some more normal moves.
10. Re1
to make room for White's knight to manoeuvre, 10...O-O
11. Nf1
, White begins to move his pieces over to the kingside.
It's interesting to note here that the engine thinks this position is perfectly equal. But there's a practical difference here in that White has a clear plan, bring the pieces to the kingside.
For black it's less clear what to do.
Even playing the best moves as black, I would probably feel more comfortable as White as he has more space.
(Although perhaps this feeling is just a lack-of-experience thing3?)
Anyway I played 11...Rc8
Since at some point I will play cxd4
the c-file will become open or half-open4.
Aside: I'm always interested to see how far into my games we follow previous master-level and above games. This was the last move in which we followed any such game, Warakomski, Tomasz (2288) and Socko, Bartosz (2554) in 2004. Their game ended in a draw.
At this point however White has another simple plan, to try and take advantage of my wayward knight out there on a3
I have to defend the knight if I don't want to drop the pawn on a2
12. Qa5 Nbd8
It's a bit awkward as it feels like an under-developing move, putting a knight back on b8
So white continued with his plan of moving his forces to the kingside.
13. Ng3
. With my rook ready on c8
I decided it was time to take open thing up a bit.
White chose to recapture with the knight, 14. Nxd4
, perhaps to limit the scope of my rook.
This makes it harder to defend e5
in the long term.
To challenge the white knight on d4
I need to get a knight to c6
, but it's a well defended square.
I offered a queen trade 14...Qa5
, which he declined 15. Qd1
sending her majesty all the way home.
I was then free to challenge the knight 15...Nc6
White then played a thematic move in the French, 16. Qg4
Black tends to not have any pieces in front of his kingside pawns in the French which allows kind of move.
The plan for white is clear, Ba3
threatens mate, Qxg2#
Black can't get another piece to defend g2
and so something needs to be done.
This was the first critical moment of the game and I felt a bit uncomfortable.
:- Prevents mate, good
- But
is coming anyway and White will win an exchange as my rook onf1
can't move, so bad.
:- If White plays
I can defend with my rook, good - If White captures with
I can recapture with either the rook or bishop, I have space to get a defender (e.g. my queen) to reinforceg7
, good. - However in all these lines
is undefended and will be captured by his queen or rook, bad.
- If White plays
,- Sidesteps the attack. I could also reinforce
good. - Leaves
weak … bad?
- Sidesteps the attack. I could also reinforce
What I should have gone with… option 3.
With my 20-20 hindsight, it's clear what the best move is here.
I did see option 3 at the time, however I rejected it instinctively for the … bad? reason I gave.
is weak but how exactly does White attack it?
White needs his queen and something else to attack that h7
since my king protects it5.
So Kh8
felt unsafe, but it wasn't.
Figure 1: A sideline (what I should have played!)
, 15. Nh5 Rg8
and Black is solid.
How does black get another attacker in on either h7
or g7
All the squares he needs are covered.
to attackh7
to attackg7
to attackg7
In the game I was significantly down on the clock and there were quite a few lines to consider.
Foremost in my mind was that it would take me a few moves to attack on the queenside or bring my knights over to defend.
I should have calculated this one out instead of assuming White could organise some attack on h7
or g7
quickly enough.
The engine says this position is dead even. Just like other times in the French black feels cramped but is actually fine.
The continuation 16...f4
I went with f4
(as opposed to f3
) to force White to move his queen or capture.
Capturing here is great for white 17.exf6
Now f3
is undefended and triple attacked.
It's definitely going to fall as the best Black can do is add one defender next turn.
Also White has a mate threat Qxg7#
, which must be addressed.
I recaptured with the rook, 17...Rxf6
, preventing mate and defending the pawn6.
18. Nxf3
, White captured on f3
with his knight.
I took this opportunity to try to deflect the pressure on g7
with 18...Rg6
I was under no illusion that I was definitely on the back foot.
White's knight on e6
, though not attacking anything other than g7
directly, severely restricts my movement.
White sidestepped with 19. Qf5
and here I had a good long think again.
And I eventually chose a move to muddy the waters.
I like the move, although the engine marked it as an inaccuracy7, because it complicated the situation and made White think.
I played 19...Bc5
The complication here is that White has some back rank issues.
His rook on e1
is undefended.
My bishop is lined up with White's King, which suggests some future tactics.
White played a sub-optimal (but understandable) move here.
20. Re2
. On this square the knight on g3
defends the rook, the rook defends f2
and he has discoveries against my queen should he move his knight on e3
I then did something fun and played 20...Bxf2+
, check.
This posed my opponent a practical problem.
He's in check so he must take the bishop on f3
If he recaptures with the rook or queen, his knight on e6
is double attacked and this removes one of his two defenders.
I win the piece back and White's pressure is dissipated.
If he recaptures with the king then I can play Rf3
pinning his queen to his king.
(In fact this second line was unsound, neither of us spotted it at the time but a few moves on, White can win my queen back8!)
White recaptured with the rook 21. Rxf2
I reclaimed my piece and offered a queen trade 21...Qxe6
… and White accepted 22. Qxe6 Rxe6
After this there was material equality and I felt the position was even.
The engine agrees giving +0 for White.
I won't torture you with a blow by blow account of this phase of the game as I don't think there's much to learn. Soon after our queen trade we traded off a pair of the rooks, heading further into a very even endgame. I was still significantly down on the clock and a bit tired after the excitement of nearly losing the game and just escaping.
I made a move order mistake as we continued to trade which lost my last, hope for the barest of edges.
I planned to take on e1
with my knight
and then play dxc3
to split his pawns.
However, as I have noticed I do when I'm tired, I decided a move order in my head, then proceeded to do the opposite move order on the board, 27...dxc5
A bit frustrating, but not terrible as there wasn't much on the line at this point.
We danced around for a while like one does in draw-ish endgames. At one point I underestimated the possibility of him forcing my king, as did he. And so play continued. After a some more dancing, trades, with 30 minutes left on his clock, just over 10 left on mine, my opponent offered me a draw. I accepted.
Here's the game in full.
I was lucky to escape a losing position.
I won't show my mistakes/blunders as most of the stem from the complications following 14...f4
But I will show the engine analysis, which confirms that White had a comfortable lead.
Figure 2: White's advantage, the second bump is us both missing that my king could be forced out in the endgame.
That happened because I didn't trust my (admittedly partial) calculation that 14...Kh8
After writing this up I certainly won't forget that.
If black has removed the light square bishop in Advance French type positions, then Kh8
is a nice move.
Bonus game!
In fact, looking through that game I linked to earlier (Warakomski, Tomasz (2288) and Socko, Bartosz (2554) in 2004), Black plays Kh8
I've embedded that here for you.
Perhaps this is a thematic move for black?
Final apology
I'm sure I'm only the millionth person in chess history to call a French Defence that barely holds out a "French Resistance". Be kind, I'm new to this!
Which does invite the question "Yes, but why a book on that defence to 1. e4
For years I played chess without studying it.
I always played 1. e4 e5
games, either Ruy Lopez or Italian Game variations although I didn't know their names.
There is a lot of theory involved with them and I'm just a bit too bored of them to learn it.
I'm sure I'll come back to it one day.
I've also been experimenting with the Sicilian 1...c5
It's fun, and it leads to unbalanced positions but it's sharp.
There are plenty of traps for White and Black and if you don't play carefully it's easy enough to drop a piece and lose the game.
That has happened to me and it's no fun.
And mostly, that book to just happened to get published with an introductory discount at the time I was thinking about studying a defence against 1. e4
One downside to the advance variation of the French is that your pieces often end up on the queenside and your king is a bit lonely on the kingside. White can develop pressure as by advancing his kingside pieces.
The idea behind trading the light square bishops is that White's bishop, applying pressure to h2
, is better than Black's which is locked inside the pawn chain.
White's bishop is likely to be a key coordinator of attacks with the queen and knight.
This is partly why I'm interested in the French, to practise more "defensive" thinking.
An open file is one in which both player's pawns have been removed, if only one has gone it's half open. Those places are good for rooks.
Here we can enjoy the light square bishop trade on move 9 with hindsight, if we hadn't done that then h7
would certainly not be secure!
The engine prefers recapturing with the bishop to defends g7
, and then to pin whatever piece captures on f3
e.g. the rook.
Though this is a less bad continuation it's far from comfortable.
Figure 5: The engine prefers this line but still gives White +2 here, a comfortable margin.
However the line it likes (in which I'm still losing!) involves trading down a bunch of pieces which I don't think is wise here against a player who is slightly lower rated than me. The way to play this as a human against a fallible human, is to keep pieces on the board and try and complicate the situation.
White should have taken with the King, 21. Kxf2
After 21...Rf6
the move White had to find to keep the piece was 22. Rf4
Figure 3: The best move for white
Not easy to find because the knight is just a shield on f4
The key is it prevents Black from taking White's queen with check, and opens a discovered attack on Black's queen.
If the knight went somewhere else, say, 22. Nxg7
then 22...Rxf5+
with check and White's queen can dance away.
Figure 4: Not quite as good for White, as Black takes with check.
However, even in this continuation the engine thinks White is better.